Prof. Arnaud Gautier continues leading the development of amazing features of FAST and splitFAST.  He, and collaborators, indeed just published in Nat. Commun. 2021 a novel “promiscuous” variant, pFAST.  Painting with pFAST is the new motto!

painting with FAST

painting with FAST

As a result they dramatically widened the range of fluorogens.  Hence, is a single tag, pFAST, spanning the entire visible spectrum from blue to red!  With incredible brightness!  Besides, a full set of experiments show that pFAST displays unprecedented features for optimizing the design of FRET biosensors.  And also, they disclose a non-fluorogen (!), HBIR-3M, an amazing “dark” competitor, which allows for switching off fluorescence.  As always, it is fully reversible and fluorescence can be further restored.

In short, check it!  Much more to learn in the paper.

Benaissa, H., Ounoughi, K., Aujard, I., Fischer, E., Goïame, R., Nguyen, J., … & Gautier, A. (2021). Engineering of a fluorescent chemogenetic reporter with tunable color for advanced live-cell imaging. Nature communications12(1), 1-17.