Jan 22, 2024 | Anaerobe labeling, FAST and splitFAST
Eubacterium strain engineering with FAST is a continued and fruitful focus of Dr. Maximilian Flaiz of Wageningen University and Dr. Franck Bengelsdorf of Ulm University. Indeed, Flaiz et al. have just published “Refining and illuminating acetogenic Eubacterium...
Aug 15, 2022 | Anaerobe labeling
Towards a new standard with FAST in archaea imaging! A team led by Silvan Scheller of Aalto University has just reported implementing FAST in Methanococcus maripaludis and Methanosarcina acetivorans in bioRxiv 2022. Only a few weeks ago, had Kyle Costa reported FAST...
Feb 7, 2022 | Anaerobe labeling, FAST and splitFAST
Strain engineering with FAST is getting a hot topic in the anaerobe community these days. A team led by Dr. Frank Bengelsdorf of Ulm University has just added Acetobacterium woodii to the continuously expanding list of FAST-tagged anaerobes. They indeed just...
Jan 31, 2022 | Anaerobe labeling, FAST and splitFAST
greenFAST and redFAST open the door for multicolor approaches to investigate cell dynamics, gene expression, or protein localization in anaerobes. This is the conclusion of Maximilian Flaiz et al. in this ACS Synth. Biol. 2022 paper. Indeed, researchers of Prof. Dr....
May 10, 2021 | Anaerobe labeling, FAST and splitFAST
Prof. Dr. Peter Dürre AG of Ulm University has just disclosed monitoring butanol production by acetogenic bacteria with FAST of The Twinkle Factory. Acetogenic bacteria and methanol Acetogens are promising biocatalysts for the sustainable production of biocommodities...
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